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  1. L

    Changing temperature probes on a IR5.

    Good Day, Please suggest; How easy is it to change from the standard temperature probes, which comes with the roaster, to lower diameter probes? Will this require setting changes within Artisan? I have four probes connected. Could you suggest which probes are best/suitable to use. Is this a easy...
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    How to reduce minimum pressure setting on the Diedrich IR5

    Good Day, My roasters minimum pressure setting on the IR5 is 3.5-3.0 Mbar Is there any way of being able to set the pressure any lower, as I get a good ROR up to about 10% DTR and then I cannot reduce any further than 3 Mbar. This results in the levelling and / or a slight flick. Many...
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    How to get roast consistency .

    Good Day, A few day back I tried to copy a very rewarding roast. I keep accurate records of weather conditions, and of the physical roast on Artisan. I follow a thorough warm for about 1hour and always start my roasts at 20 C lower than charge temp.(consistancy) On this particular day the...
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    Help Please: Need information on basic IR5 Diedrich settings

    Good Day I have an IR5 roaster from Diedrich. I mostly roast African beans (SHG). I load 4kg of green beans maximum. The roaster was ordered to use LP gas. Please could you answer the followingWhat is the maximum pressure I should be able to set, currently I cannot get above 22Mbar ? What...
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    Charge Temp and Environmental Temp ?

    Good Day, Can someone offer an explanation on the below. I roast on a Diedrich IR5. I follow a strict warm up procedure, I record the outside air temp, humidity and air pressure. I record every roast on Artisan. Normally when I charge the roaster with green beans I do so when the BT reading...
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    Roasting Light

    Good Day, My question is, how do I approach a light roast compared to a typical roast?, see attached. My concern, should I shorten the DTR the roast could be underdeveloped. On a typical roast, should my drop temp be any lower than 221 C, it will be underdeveloped. I can roast with a shorter...
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    Roasting Light

    Good Day, To date I have been roasting to the start of 2nd crack. I have noticed that if I try and shorten my DTR I get underdeveloped coffee, noticeable by taste. CGA's present. My question is, how do I approach a light roast while maintaining a fully developed roast. Hotter or colder charge...
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    Help Please: Diedrich IR5 2016 - ET verses BT

    Included is a diagram and note of the airflow.
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    Help Please: Diedrich IR5 2016 - ET verses BT

    Sae Hi, Following are basic / average settings which I have been using. Each roast (origin does vary from this). Note the attached roast (the Colombia on the start of this thread) is something new I tried. See attached roast profile for the roast stats below. Rwanda AVIV washed 4000g green bean...
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    Help Please: Diedrich IR5 2016 - ET verses BT

    Good Day I am roasting on a Diedrich IR5 2016 model, using propane gas. I am trying to not let my ET fall below the BT post FC. Note; 1) At charge my ET is always lower than my BT. (not sure if this indicates a probe issue) 2) I only use 50% fan at approx 140 C. According to Scott Rao my fan...