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  1. K


    Initially, it can cause weight loss but you rapidly become tolerant and that fades. If you put a lot of cream and sugar in it, heavy consumption can cause weight gain. Coffee is a well-known sports performance aid that may increase your strength, endurance, power, alertness, and energy levels...
  2. K

    Looking for suggestions

    Hi guys! I'm planning to start a cafe in Ontario. What are the legal procedures that I have to do? I'm not much aware of such formalities. Is there anyone who has prior experience in registering a business? Does anyone know any agencies that provide registration services? When I asked my...
  3. K

    Cutting down on coffee

    I drink 4 to 5 cups of coffee a day. Coffee has become an unavoidable part of my life. I have faced acne since childhood. I have been getting occasional acne now. But for past few months the acne as getting worse. I consulted this dermatologic clinic near my home and the dermatologist said...
  4. K

    Advise Please: Where to put a coffee station in my home

    Hi I am planning to buy this dining set: to use as a coffee table at my home. But I have no idea where exactly to keep it. I don't want to keep it in my kitchen as we already have a dining table set there...
  5. K

    Green Coffee Beans

    Are green coffee beans good? I have been seeing a lot of articles lately regarding their benefits. Just want to know if they are good :question: