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  1. D

    Hello from Dominican Republic

    Ok.. To compare. Quetzaltenango is at an elevation of 2300.. BTW.. Beautiful PLace..... This is the average temperature chart for Valle Nuevo National Park.. which is about the same altitude here on Hispaniola..
  2. D

    Hello from Dominican Republic

    This is the temperature info for the nearest small town.. lower in elevation than my land but temps somewhat similar fro what I have been able to notice.. I have not spent long periods of time up there yet because the cabin i am building is not ready to use yet...
  3. D

    Hello from Dominican Republic

    Hello, My name is David and want to grow coffee and produce very high quality, small scale in the mountains of Dominican Republic. I have a small 5 acre property at 1200 masl located near Manabao, La Vega province in the north and a larger 42 acre property in Rancho Arriba, San Jose de Ocoa...