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  1. Duffyjr

    Coffee in America

    This is from a few years ago so it may even be worse. One thing to remember is how expensive K-cups are, if you break it down you could buy the best coffee in the world and probably spend less.
  2. Duffyjr

    Baratza Virtuoso striped gear (585)

    Last weekend I was grinding some beans for an afternoon cup when all of a sudden my grinder started making an awful noise, my wife even came in and asked what was going on. After some inspecting and watching a couple videos I took it apart and sure enough the inside of the grinder was full of...
  3. Duffyjr

    Clever Coffee Dripper

    I took a bunch of pics but like I said my phone camera is hard to get a good clear pic. I do have a better digital camera I will try next time but have to get out the manual and bone up on how to use it. First I thought I'd throw in a pic of my favorite pot holder, I use it only when I make...
  4. Duffyjr

    Clever Coffee Dripper

    I had my first cup made with a Clever Dripper today and I have to say I really like it and how easy it is to use. I have to admit I like the way a press tastes but hate the mouth feel with all the gritty left over feel but never spent a lot of time trying to perfect it like I have with the...
  5. Duffyjr

    Happy Holidays!!

    Here's hoping Santa brings you everything you asked for and don't forget to leave him a cup of your finest!!!
  6. Duffyjr

    30 seconds off boil

    I've been seeing this in directions for making coffee for a while now and have to say there is no way 212 degree water is going to cool down to 200 degrees in 30 seconds I don't care how thin you kettle is (well maybe in Alaska). I only say this because it happened to me a while back with my...
  7. Duffyjr

    Two days of K-cups

    So I messed up on my timing ordering beans (dang holiday) and ran out of fresh coffee Wednesday morning so for the last two mornings I've had to drink the wife's k-cups. Good thing I have some fresh beans coming today. My wife thought it was pretty funny but I failed to see the humor in it.
  8. Duffyjr

    Guatemala Huehuetenango - Candeleria

    I ordered some Guatemala Huehuetenango - Candeleria from Mike at last week and I must say this is some very smooth clean coffee just as he describes it. It smells just as good as it tastes while it's brewing.
  9. Duffyjr

    Favorite Blends

    Interesting thread on single origin coffee but I think blends get a bad rap. From what I have read here and other places blends are created to use up old beans, bad beans etc... but I think if done right they can be very good. I have had several blends I like, my favorite is Mocha Jave, also the...
  10. Duffyjr

    Page histroy

    I was just wondering if any one else was having this issue. Some times when I hit my back arrow the previous page does not load, it just reloads the page I am on. When I right click on the back arrow I can see the last dozen or so pages are all the current page I am on. For instance as I'm...
  11. Duffyjr

    Typical Sumatra taste?

    I purchased some Sumatra from my only local roaster and I like it but not until it cools down some. It is earthy which I have read most Sumatra's are but this has a very dirty harsh taste or musky maybe at first but then as it cools it loses a ton of this and is actually very good. I have tried...
  12. Duffyjr

    First fresh decaf

    My latest order came in the mail yesterday and I was fairly excited because I ordered some coffee that Alex mentions a lot, a yellow bourbon that is honey processed. Usually when I open the shipping bag I can smell the beans but this time there was hardly any smell. I looked at the bag and they...
  13. Duffyjr

    Using Espresso in the name

    Wasn't sure how to title this but what I'm wondering is when you see a bean that uses "Espresso" in the name or description does this mean the bean is best when it used to make Espresso? I've avoided buying these beans when I see this since I only do pour over and what ever my moccamaster cup...
  14. Duffyjr

    Auto-ship Go Coffee Go

    I decided to try the auto ship at Go Coffee Go. I've ordered a few bags from them and they have all been really good. The main reason I decided to try this is every sixth shipment you get free shipping. You can also put it on hold if you decide to buy some where else and start it back up with no...
  15. Duffyjr

    How much to you spend on coffee?

    Not including equipment, but just coffee, whether you're buying beans, Starbucking it or both. Right now if I keep up what I have been doing the last few months it looks like I'll spend about $500 a year. A 12oz bag has been lasting me about 16 days. Lets just say I've spent more on less!
  16. Duffyjr

    El Socorro - Yellow Reserve

    Last weekend it was time for me to try one of the new vendors on my list so I started going thru my bookmarks and ended up ordering some El Socorro Yellow Reserve from PT's Coffee. While I don't pretend to be any kind of expert one thing I can say is I'm sure glad I decided to try different...
  17. Duffyjr

    Found local roaster

    Last Friday I found out there is guy in town that roasts and of all places sells his beans thru a bicycle shop down town. So Saturday I went to get some. I was a little disappointed that there were only a few bags and the freshest was already a couple weeks off roast but it was an 8 oz bag for...
  18. Duffyjr

    First FP (French Press)

    I have to admit I didn't think I would like a french press because I've always preferred filtered coffee over the reusable filter baskets you can use for drippers, I've always went back to using filters. Now that I've tried a FP and liked it I'm thinking the baskets may of not been the issue but...
  19. Duffyjr

    Using up old beans

    First off I hate being wasteful and since I have been ordering beans online I use them until there gone. Most of time I just drink it black like usual but I also add a powdered cappuccino mix like mocha, french vanilla etc.... I've also tried the flavored liquid creamers which isn't to bad...
  20. Duffyjr

    TV cup-one

    Ok I've had this for a week now and while I still experimenting with a few things I have to say I'm very happy with it. The only thing I have to compare it with is my Bunn Phase Brew that just died and a Keurig Mini. First thing I noticed is it takes less coffee than the Bunn to get the same...