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  1. B

    "Beans for thought"

    There was a young woman, who after enduring all sorts of adversity, returned home to visit her mother. After telling the mother that she was at her very end and she could not take it any more, the mother asked her to follow her into the kitchen. There she got three pots out, filled them with...
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    GOV breaks for women

    OK my roasting business is underway. Now, after we get well established, we were contemplating the idea of opening a cafe'. If we start that under my wifes name, the SBA(GOV) has special grants for women. Does anyone know if there are any laws against me owning a Roastery and my wife owning a...
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    Oniony taints

    Hi all, I have a question. In the resent past, I have had a couple batches that had a onion hint in the aftertaste, in my Colombian. I no longer have it (Thank God), but am curious as to what causes this. The only thing I have done different was increased airflow a little bit. Could this have...
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    Ethiopian Yirg Citrus notes?

    As I have not been fortunate as some, to taste most origins. I was wondering if there is any others that share the citrus notes as the Yirg? I have fallen for this little bean and was wondering if there are any more like it?
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    french press 101?

    Hi folks, I just went a got a new French press and was wondering if someone had the time to give me the 101 on its proper useage. Heres what I did so far. Brought triple filtered (reverse osmosis) water to about 195F meanwhile grind me Ethopian Yirg to a med course grind. Then put 4 tablespoons...
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    Ever heard of a Sivetz Roaster?

    I have serious doubts about the Sivetz Fluid airbed roasters. Has anyone ever heard of them? Do they roast well? They claim a 8 min roast and I quote "We roast 55 lbs in 8 minutes. Cool in about 3 minutes." a half bag in 8 mins? PuhLeaze Can sugars carmelize properly at that rate? I know the...
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    Gross profits from roaster towards payback

    I have a couple of questions about roaster profits. I recieved a print out from diedrich which states that on an average, (for the sake of argument I have choosen the 15lbs roaster) a gross profit of $513.56/hr based on 60 lbs/hr means a gross profit of $8.55/lbs. 1. Is this a fair average? 2...
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    Guatemalan Antigua Thingy

    Guatemalan Antigua Thingy When you feel the need to cut the yard, The Antigua bean will hit you hard. The buzz you get won't last too long. For 30 minutes or so you will feel so strong. The bean itself from Guatemala it ships, You make a cup and raise it to your lips. Before you're done you've...
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    Tanzanian Peaberry :)

    Hello, I just received my latest shipment of beans. In which I have some PB. I did a quick roast to a full city. WOW I love Tanz PB, a very smooth yet bold cup. This completely bypassed the usual morning ritual yawn and “TA-DA”, READY FOR ANYTHING. With this being added to my all-time favorites...
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    Cold Drum Drop??

    Hello everyone I have but another question. I cant remember where, but I read that someone drops their greens while they are pre-heating. They say there is not much difference do to the rate, the beans heat up anyway. Has anyone ever heard of such a thing? And if so, would this not totally make...
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    Bean moisture/desity and its relevance to roasting

    After researching all-night on this subject; this is what I have found. Please someone; correct me if I am wrong. Accurately determining bean moisture gives us the ability to plot the rate of drying in the profile curve (or dwell time) before first crack. This is to drive out “unbound”...
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    "In the Beginning" there was advice and the advice

    Hello and Merry Christmas everyone :grin: I am in north Indiana, and I will be starting up a Coffee House/Roaster business in about a year or less, depending on issue's that arise. I will be starting the business plan now and could use some really good advice for the plan. The first phase will...
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    Blending Noob

    Hello everyone, I will be trying my hand at blending. Is there a place where I can get some good ideas, or can anyone point me in the right direction about what beans complement each other? I would like to research a Kona, espresso, high caffeine and desert blends. Any help here would be...
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    OK I know the word "Robusta" will start a war but.

    I have been reading about Robusta in "Roast Magazine" and other articles on there crema, caffeine and yes bad taste. If, I were to use this in an espresso blend, would I roast it separately and then blend or blend then roast? If roasting separately, what kind of profile would one use to achieve...
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    Profle Question

    Hello, I have a profiling question. I have read many an article on profiles. Many folks say that between FC and SC should be approx. 3 min. I have tried many differant approaches. And so far the best I have came upwith for me is a 18 min roast. The formula varies a bit but, basicly starts @...