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  1. L

    Can someone sue a coffee company ?

    Can someone sue a coffee company if they can prove medically that the coffee that they drank over many years damaged their gastrointestinal system? Ulcers, gastritis, and colitis. like suing the cigarrette companies? Can this type of lawsuit win? how could they win this kind of lawsuit? rsvp.
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    What's the healthiest way to drink coffee? With or without cream or milk?

    whats the healthiest way to drink coffee? with or without cream or milk? many people have told me that with cream or milk. do most people in the world drink coffee with cream or milk or just plain black? whats the best and healthiest way to drink coffee? can serious coffee lovers please...
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    Reheating cold coffee

    Can instant coffee be used to make cold brew coffee or not? Other than ground roast coffee, what other kind of coffee can be used to make cold brew coffee? Can cold brew coffee be reheated or add boiling water to a small portion to make a cup of joe? reheat or add boiling water?
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    acid and caffeine

    Between instant coffee and ground roast, which one is less acidic and has less caffeine? Are both coffees processed the same way or not in the end? Which one will prevail in these two qualifications? Im not talking about lower end or anything. rsvp.
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    Will living a caffeine free life be truly healthier than people who consume it daily?

    Will living a caffeine free life be truly healthier than people who consume it daily? Ive had some people tell me that they feel healthier when they stop drinking coffee or tea on a daily basis, but what would be the truth behind this statement? Rsvp.
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    Will drinking strong cups of black tea damage the stomach lining over time?

    Will drinking a strong cup of lipton black tea that comes in little bags but in the cold brew method damage the stomach lining over time? If so, how? Why might that be a possibility assuming it was? Many people have told me that it will because of the caffeine in it? how true would that be? rsvp.
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    coffee vs tea - Which one is healthier to drink?

    Between coffee and lipton black tea bags, which one is healthier to drink? More antioxidants, ect… which one will have more health benefits? Overall better. which one will allow us to sleep better in the long run? Both have caffeine. you be the judge. rsvp
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    Whose sleep will be affected more? Coffee drinkers or non coffee drinkers?

    Whose sleep will be affected more? Coffee drinkers or non coffee drinkers? Who will have a much better time falling asleep between these two if someone drinks a moderate cup of coffee with milk or cream? Do all people fare the same? An opinion please. rsvp.
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    Is drinking black coffee bad for the kidneys?

    Is drinking black coffee bad for our kidneys? If so, how? If not, why? Someone told that coffee with milk/cream is the healthy way to drink coffee and not black. many people love to drink black coffee w/o cream or milk! What is it about black co
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    Is there be a better way than cold brew coffee method to reduce the acid in coffee

    Would there be an even better way than cold brew coffee method to reduce the acid in coffee? I know that cold brew method is among the best but would there be an even better way to reduce the acid even further? Cold brew coffee tastes good! Rsvp.
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    Instant coffee vs. ground roast for health.

    Between instant coffee and ground roast, which one is more natural? Which one has less chemicals in it? Which one is more natural and healthy for ones health in the long run? Which one is less damaging to our system? Which one will benefit our health more? can a coffee guru please tell us. rsvp.
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    How could someone drink coffee without staining their teeth?

    how could someone drink coffee without staining their teeth? a straw maybe? can a coffee lover please tell me. rsvp.
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    coffee farmers

    if someone owns a coffee plantation, must they have employees or can they do the work all by themselves???? anyone???? rsvp. thank you.
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    reputable suppliers

    the people at folgers emailed me and told me that they only buy their coffee beans from reputable suppliers, what if someone new wanted to get into the coffee industry? how could they get foot in the table and sell their beans to folgers? folgers also told me that they only buy their beans from...
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    commodity coffee

    someone told me that folgers, maxwell house, tasters choice, hills bros, mjb, nescafe, ect...... all buy commodity coffee for their ground roast and maybe also instant coffee that they sell. is this true and if so, is commodity coffee the average coffee beans that farmers grow or only special...
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    Help Please: Lots of Questions for Coffee Business Insiders

    if i wanted to go into the coffee business myself and supply coffee to folgers, keurig, dunkin donuts, maxwell house, hills bros, tasterchoice, ect........ assuming that these guys purchase commodity coffee, how would it be profitable for me if im rich and can purchase a plantation in some...
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    coffee plantation

    if i wanted to purchase a coffee plantation and go into the coffee business myself, what would i need to do to be successful and not fail? lets say that i wanted to sell my coffee beans to such companies like folgers, starbucks, maxwell house, tasterschoice, nescafe, hills bros, what would i...
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    folgers, starbucks, ect.....

    where do the following companies buy their coffee beans from? folgers, maxwell house, tasterschoice, hills brothers, starbucks, tasterschoice, nescafe, ect........ lets say that the folger coffee company wanted to buy coffee beans from someone in some tropical climate country or the same for...
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    delonghi, krups

    can cold brew coffee be poured in a delonghi, krups espresso machine? if so, how and how to make espresso coffee once this kind of coffee has been poured in? can a coffee expert please tell me. rsvp. thank you.
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    cold brew mix

    what is the best way to mix black cold brew coffee with milk? would it be using an delonghi or krups espresso machine with the cold brew coffee having poured into either of these machines? what is the very best way to prepare coffee mixed with milk? would it be to pour in cold brew coffee...
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    cold brew

    can cold brew coffee still cause ulcers, gastritis, and colitis if someone has brewed it cold for like 24 hours then dilutes it with boiling water and afterwards drink a cold glass of milk but only after eating a small breakfast? other than the cold brew method, would there be another way to...
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    coffee/health problems

    after about 12/13 years i finally developed a stomach ulcer/gastritis/and colitis after consuming strong cups of black coffee each morning without drinking milk afterwards! i loved to drink a strong ass cup of black coffee especially of the folgers brand! my favorite was not instant coffee but...