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    Consiglio’s guide to our premium organic espresso

    We at Consiglio’s are proud of our line of Premium Organic Espresso and feature it prominently everywhere from thefree premium starter kit packages we offer on many of ourmanual and super automatic espresso machines, to the beans we use for the live demo machines displayed in the show room of...
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    Espresso meets bluetooth technology with the saeco granbaristo avanti

    Smart phones, tablets, watches and now... smart espresso? Using Bluetooth 4.0 technology, the Saeco GrandBaristo Avanti has accomplished just that. Smart technology has brought an unprecedented level of convenience and customization to every day life, and Saeco has brought these advances to...
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    5 handy uses for your used espresso grounds

    You’ve made, and savoured, your favorite espresso beverage - but, what to do with the used grounds? Whether you use an automatic ormanual espresso machine, or prefer the classic stove top espresso maker, espresso grounds can accumulate quickly. Before you empty your full knock box into the...
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    Saeco vs. Jura automatic espresso machines

    Offering the utmost convenience, superautomatic espresso machines have revolutionized espresso technology - taking the intensive, and often nuanced process of grinding and brewing the perfect espresso, and encapsulating the entire process in one single, easy to use machine. This week at...
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    How to make a good espresso at home

    Pour cold water into the water chamber. Making Espresso recommends using one tablespoon of ground beans for each ounce of water, and warns that anything less precise will throw off your espresso shot. 3. Pack the beans evenly into the coffee basket, and level off the top to avoid any overflow...