Search results

  1. F

    Seeking Roaster/ Partner in Philadelphia

    Publico Coffee, a startup coffee company in Philadelphia, is seeking a roaster for part time production roasting. The ideal candidate would have direct experience in roasting coffee, a well developed palette, and an keen interest in creating unique roasts and blends in collaboration with the...
  2. F

    What is something useful a roaster could give to a coffee shop?

    Hi all! I am a small roaster and I'm trying to build my accounts in cafes. I want to provide the shop a small "thank you" if they become clients that would be 1) useful to the shop 2) promote our brand alongside theirs. For example, another roaster I've seen gives open/ closed signs to the shop...
  3. F

    Renting Time on a Roaster

    I will need to increase my capacity in the near future but before I do that I would like to rent time on a roaster so I can save up for the expense of purchasing a larger machine. I am in the Philadelphia metro area so that is where I would be looking for a machine to rent time on. I don't...
  4. F

    Looking to Rent Roasting Time - Philadelphia

    I am looking towards the eventual growth of my small roasting business. Currently I have a Huky and roast in very small batches (500g/ batch max). As I grow I will need to increase my capacity by purchasing a larger roaster. But I would like to be able to rent space on a roaster as an interim...