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  1. K

    Being a coffee broker

    So let me just start saying that I know little to none about being a broker. I have been working with a lot of farms recently and some suggested I look to get in the broker business. However I have no idea how to even get started in this. I am throwing this out to the coffee forum world and...
  2. K

    What kind of roast do you sell the most of?

    Hey all, Just a quick noob question. As we are starting small and outsourcing our roasting for now I wondered which roasts in general are the most popular with your customers? I know it would be dependent on the bean but any insight you have would be much appreciated.
  3. K

    Starting a Kona Coffee subscription website

    Hi everyone, we we are starting up a subscription site to highlight Kona Coffee growers. I would love any thoughts or critique you may have.