Search results

  1. B

    Locations for Drive-thru..?

    I was wondering about negotiating with a landlord for a drive-thru coffee shop... Is it better to hire a real estate agent to help contact landlords and such? or just go about finding them ourselves and presenting them with a proposal? I'm in an area that is totally new to the tiny little...
  2. B

    Rent for Drive-Thrus?? $$$

    I am working on my business plan for my drive-thru and (there are no other drive-thrus in my area to ask!) I was wondering what some of you other owners pay in rent? Any info would be much appreciated! Thank you!
  3. B

    Mobile Coffee Shops

    Does anyone have experience with mobile coffee drive-thrus? I'm looking into opening a mobile (trailer or truck type) drive-thru as opposed to a site-built non-mobile drive-thru due to city and county regulations but I have no experience with the trailer or truck type of setup. Any information...