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  1. J

    Starbucks...Now Mickey D's...

    I stopped by Mac Donald's to get a burger and noticed that they now sell fruit smoothies for $2.49. Has this had an impact on anyone's business? I know the only reason they can sell their products for such a low price is because they are guaranteed to buy in HUGE quantities; and to be honest...
  2. J

    Americanos and such....

    How is everyone doing? Has there ever been any discussion on which type of bean to use when preparing an Americano? I currently use my espresso blend beans...does anyone use a single origin bean when making Americanos as opposed to using the same beans used to make an espresso based...
  3. J


    How are you? Could you please send me a copy of your manual. Thanks in advance: [email protected]
  4. J

    Coffee Cup Sleeves

    For those of you who implemented coffee sleeves after the fact (in business for a while and wanted some way to add your logo to your product) did you increase the price of your drinks to make up for the difference? or did you suck it up? I will probably have to order in HUGE amounts for it to be...
  5. J

    Slogan Help

    My wife and I own a Drive Thru and want to add a catchy phrase for our t-shirts and possibly a commercial...We are going to be adding a mobile van as well...the name is "Java Jolt"...I can't get past "I start my day with a Jolt" or, "I got Jolted"...i know there are better slogans but my...
  6. J


    I ran across a post from a gentleman in the Dallas, Tx area who owns a mobile espresso business. He states that he is swamped with business and is thinking of putting vans in the Austin area...I can not for the life of me find the post again. If someone knows which post I am talking about could...
  7. J

    Mobile Espresso Van Question

    I am in the process of adding a mobile espresso van to my already existing drive-thru business. I understand how to go about establishing a daily route as well as renting out space for the occasional weekend events. My question for all of you who already own a mobile business is how do you...
  8. J

    Chai Tea Frappe?

    How is everyone doing? While I am away in Iraq I have been trying to come up with new menu items to try in my drive thru shop when my time over here finally comes to an end ( I retire with 20 years in the Army once our deployment is over). My question is this: does a Chai Tea Frappe mix exist...
  9. J

    What would you consider a success?

    Just wondering what those of you who own a coffee shop business consider a successful monthly bottom line? Case-in-point, I own an espresso drive thru and do pretty good averaging about 12k gross per month. Net on the other hand is a different story. My wife and I own a shop right outside of the...