Search results

  1. A

    Looking for Info: General Store/Convenience Store mixed with cafe

    Hi all, We're a few months into year 3 and a different opportunity has arisen and I thought I'd check-in and see if anyone had suggestions based on their experiences. We had a neighbouring convenience store that people in the community nicknamed the "inconvenience store" because of strange...
  2. A

    Daily Cash Float

    This may be of interest to some looking to start-up their own cafes. I'm curious to hear how others have calculated their daily cash float for cashiers. I've based mine on our daily average sales, based on the year. It's not an exact "Today, we now have a daily average of $380 and therefore...
  3. A

    Advice: Credit/debit minimum purchase price?

    Hi everyone, Our little cafe is coming up on it's 1st anniversary, so I'm doing a review of various areas of the business to scrap things that aren't working & see if there's potential to copy things that *are* working. One of the debates my wife & I are having right now is regarding a minium...