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  1. flphotog

    Question about the Baratza Vitruoso

    I just purchased the Baratza Virtuoso to replace my Encore. I didn't realize until after I had ordered it that it has a timer instead of simply and on off switch. Not a really big deal I guess other than I think I'd prefer just a switch. Just wondering if the timer has any actual purpose?
  2. flphotog

    Coffee when traveling

    Just wondering what you guys do for coffee when traveling. I often take off for a week or to at a time. Now that I'm enjoying my morning coffee ritual I'm wondering what to do when on the road. I can take most of what I need without a problem but I'm thinking taking my grinder would be a bit...
  3. flphotog

    Question about a coffee bean order I just received

    Hi guys, I just received an order of coffee beans from one of the two local roasters that I normally use and something seems off to me. I received a lb of Colombian Supremo and a lb of Brazilian. My possible issue is with the Colombian. Please see the picture. The beans on the left are from this...
  4. flphotog

    pour over vs aeropress

    Can anyone tell me if there are any pros/cons to either of these methods. I've been experimenting with various methods and while I do prefer French Press I'm trying to at least partially get away from unfiltered coffee. As for pour over vs aeropress I don't see much if any difference in the...
  5. flphotog

    French Press and LDL levels

    Does anyone have any info on French Press coffee and LDL levels? I've been reading about this lately. I just started drinking coffee again after a number of years and have really been enjoying my French Press in the mornings. My problem is that I have enough problems with Cholesterol without...
  6. flphotog

    Stove top Espresso maker

    Can anyone tell me how well Stove top Espresso makers work and if they do, recommend a good one?
  7. flphotog

    Does your grinder draw power when not in use

    There was another thread that I started about unplugging appliances when not in use. There were mixed feelings about this including some who believed that appliances drew current when not in use. I did some testing on this issue. Of course I can only speak about the ones that I have and have...
  8. flphotog

    Probably a strange question

    Both my grinder and electric kettle say in the manuals to unplug when not in use. This seems a bit strange and quite annoying to me. Rather like having to unplug my TV or computer or every appliance which would really drive me nuts. Does anyone know if this is really necessary or is it just...
  9. flphotog

    color me convinced

    Well I've been playing around with how I make my coffee for awhile, the last change being an upgrade to my grinder that I admit I was skeptical about. Upgraded from a flat burr to a Baratza Encore conical burr and even I noticed a big improvement in the coffee I made with the new grinder this...
  10. flphotog

    Burr grinder question

    I've been using a flat burr grinder that I haven't been completely happy with so I just ordered a Baratza Encore - Conical Burr Coffee Grinder. In the past I've been keeping a couple days worth of coffee in the hopper but I think once I get the new grinder I'm going to try putting just enough...
  11. flphotog

    Question for French Press users

    I started using a French Press a few months ago and it's been working out well. I do have one question I'd appreciate some info on. In the morning I usually make 2 to 3 cups of coffee to get me going and was wandering what is the best way you have found to keep the remaining coffee hot while...
  12. flphotog

    Bean Storage

    Well I've already got these but I'd rather find out if I made a mistake and correct it then just go on blindly. I purchased these and just wanted your opinion's on them, all opinion's welcome.
  13. flphotog

    beginners question

    I'm not new to coffee exactly but let's say new to actually carrying about it. My understanding has been that coffee beans should be stored in an air tight light tight container so I actually purchased specialty coffee containers to store my beans in and they seem to be working very well. Today...