Search results

  1. G

    Cannister for flavoring beans?

    Hi guys, Where did you get your containers for flavoring your beans? I know glass or stainless steel are recommended. - Michelle
  2. G

    Lot # system O.o

    Hi guys, We are coffee roasters. We're required to have lot #s on our packaged coffee beans. What does your lot # system look like? :shock: How do you keep it organized? Software? I've been searching on google on what one looks like for a coffee roaster, and I'm not finding much of anything...
  3. G

    Packing your K-Cup Products?

    Hello, I'm new here. *waves hello* :-) We're hoping to open our coffee roasting business in about a month from now. I'd be interested to hear how you guys package a unit of k-cups for your customers. What I mean by this, is do you sell them by the bag? Or by the box? If so, what...