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  1. M

    Wish I Knew More About Various Coffee Machines

    Hello, I've been doing some research into coffee machines and it's made me realize how much I don't know about them. I'd say I'm a fairly basic coffee person, I usually drink either black coffee from our French press at home or an Americano from the coffee shop. So, I don't believe I need one...
  2. M

    It Happened! Our Favorite Brand is no Longer Available

    Good Morning, I've only been grinding and brewing my own coffee at home for about 2 or 3 years now. Around that time my wife and I tried a few different brands and the one we and other family members really enjoyed was Collaborative Coffee, medium roast. Recently I learned that the company is...
  3. M

    Just Ordered a New Grinder - Thanks for the Recommendations

    Hello, I just ordered the Bodum Bistro Burr Grinder based on a recommendation in this forum. It's Thanksgiving morning and so far I've been to the store to buy real butter so my wife could make banana bread, I've learned about the passing of a wonderful uncle, I've read about coffee, I'm...
  4. M

    Choosing a manual grinder

    Hello, I hope this is the correct location for this question. I have been looking into manual coffee grinders (the electric conicals are a little too expensive). I would probably only make my own coffee on the weekends but who knows, that could change. My plan at this time is to get a French...