Search results

  1. 7

    Chocolate Latte?

    I don't know if anyones tried this, but just out of curiousity, has anyone tried to make a latte with chocolate milk? Would it foam well? I couldn't try it myself because I don't get my new espresso machine for a while. If any one has tried it, let me know how it tastes! Hopefully as good as...
  2. 7

    Promotion-Word of Mouth Idea?

    I have never seen this done, I am just wondering if anybody does. You know how at some restaraunts if somebody can eat a burger with like 6 patties, the name of the burger gets changed to their name? Well does anybody do the coffee equivalent of this with shots of espresso? For instance if...
  3. 7

    Bicycling and coffee shops

    It seems that bicycling and coffee shops go hand in hand, you always see road cyclists with their tights and jerseys there. Have any coffee shops done anything to accomodate this? Like bike racks or something of the sort? I have seen the reverse happening as well, it seems more bike shops are...