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  1. R

    💵 For Sale SOLD - Rosco Mini Hand Grinder: $50

    Bump. Reduced price to $50.
  2. R

    💵 For Sale SOLD - Rosco Mini Hand Grinder: $50

    Wow, that thing looks like a beast. I like that they have a picture of the"hand" grinder being driven by an electric drill 😄 .
  3. R

    💵 For Sale SOLD - Rosco Mini Hand Grinder: $50

    This one was an upgrade from my Hario hand grinder. I can't say I have the developed coffee palette to notice the difference in the cup (I'm sure it was there), but just holding and using this thing is a different experience. I'm a sucker for low tech and thoughtful design and this hits both of...
  4. R

    💵 For Sale SOLD - Rosco Mini Hand Grinder: $50

    Hello, SOLD - For Sale is a Rosco Mini Hand Grinder. It has seen a few years of use but is still in excellent working condition. I will say that there is some coffee inside the cylinder as well as on the burrs which I tried my best but could not 100% remove (see images). I would recommend...
  5. R

    Coffee in Brazil

    Hello- After a few days in Brazil, the worlds largest producer of coffee (according to wiki), here are some notes on our worldwide addiction... Breakfast in portuguese is called "cafe da manhã" which translates literally as "morning coffee". Anyone who knows anything about translation knows...
  6. R

    Home roller grinding

    Hello- I was reading up a little on roller grinders and I am surprised there are none available for home use. Is there a reason why no one has manufactured a small tabletop version? I'm gonna wager a guess that the reason is "they're not necessary," but from what I've read they are superior...
  7. R

    Rudy from Boston

    Hey- Recently became addicted to coffee... now I want to know everything there is to know about it! Hope to meet y'all soon. -Rudy