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  1. F

    Espresso vs Drip Coffee

    Hello, I have been roasting beans for holiday gifts this year and ended up roasting some espresso blends for some people and some solo varities for the regular coffee drinkers. Personally I drink coffee at home because I don't have an espresso machine, but I thought I should brew a pot with the...
  2. F

    Green Bean storage

    Do I need to take any special steps to store green beans? My understanding is that green beans are better because they don't lose flavor via evaporation of their oils etc while being stored. Can I just leave them in a ziploc or should I take some other steps? Thanks.
  3. F

    My first roast

    Hello all, Using my recently obtained "Poppery" popcorn popper I have successfully completed my first attempt at roasting my own beans. This is also my first time using a popcorn popper for anything, so 2 firsts in one, not bad. The coffee: Guatemala Antigua Peaberry "Especial" (anybody know...
  4. F

    Caffeine content of Espresso vs Regular Coffee

    Not sure where else to put this question so in here it goes. I was told the other day that espresso actually has a lower caffeine content than drip brewed coffee. The claim is that because the espresso machine brews quicker than the drip machine, and the water spends less time in contact...