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    story of first cupping

    hi all, one of interesting thing with coffee is cupping. how we learn about taste, flavor, and aroma from many coffee varieties. would you sharing unique story that happen to you for the first cupping?:decaf: many thanks
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    coffee packing material

    Hi, what materials should be used for packing roasted coffee or powder? when we use ordinary plastic how long it can last a maximum of quality coffee? or use paper how long? much appreciated for the information.
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    Sumatra Arabica Coffee

    Need business partner to import green bean Sumatra Arabica Coffee grade 1 and 3. I live in north Sumatra state - Indonesia
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    there is many certification to coffee now, like fair trade, rain forest, etc. what your opinion about this? how important is to you?
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    Coffee Sumatra

    We are doing campaign and education on forestry issues for the first time to villagers in North Sumatra Province (near from Lake Toba). But due to the coffee farming is closely associated with deforestation caused, so we then assistance to coffee farmers from their plantations to the marketing...
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    Hello all, (from Sumatra)

    I come from Indonesia as one of coffee producer. I need to know more information anything about coffee from our customer:coffee1: