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  1. M

    What do you need to do to a building to roast coffee in it?

    I'm talking exhaust, afterburner, etc... Kind of lost there isn't much information on this out there. Also how do you go about finding permitting laws/licensing laws for your state/county? There should be an interactive guide to this stuff. Cheers, and thanks! -Diego
  2. M

    Roasters: How much and how much?

    The question I'm asking here is, how much green coffee are you buying, and how much is that quantity costing you? I am working on bringing a couple of tons to the US, and I want to offer it at competitive rates. It has been hard for me to figure out what people are buying for. Thanks!
  3. M

    I am looking to buy a Roaster

    I am looking for something like an Ambex YM-2 or a similar capacity roaster. Just have a lot of coffee I want to start roasting in batches and selling at farmers markets and the like. Open to suggestions from those who are more experienced than I. Thanks, Diego
  4. M

    Hello! Farmer/Importer here!

    Hello coffee lovers. I'm new here, and decided to introduce myself. My name is Diego Vizcaino, and I come from a long line of coffee farmers. Guatemalan coffee farmers, to be specific. I've recently started to bring my product state side, so I guess I'm in the process of "joining the...
  5. M

    Selling Green Beans

    Hello. I've looked at a bunch of stickies already, and believe B2B is the proper forum to post this in. I've recently become a wholesaler of sorts. By this I mean that my family has been in the coffee business for a long time, but only the growing side of things. Recently I've started bringing...