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  1. T

    Espresso Roast

    I'm sorry if this may be a nooby question: What makes an espresso roast an espresso roast? Is it just a name used for the length of roasting such as say City, Full city, French, Italian, etc. Or does the espresso bean go through some process to change it? Also is espresso only made from a...
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    Storing Coffee with Rice

    Ok, so I have a stupid question to ask... Would storing coffee in the same container as rice make the coffee go stale, or preserve the flavour? Let me further discuss the two philosophies Rice is often used in salt shakers as rice is known to absorb moisture. By absorbing moisture the salt...
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    Coffee Sludge.... Good or Bad?

    Whenever I brew coffee with my Bodum French Press it always leaves a little sludge at the bottom of my coffee cup. At first I hated the sludge, but now I quite enjoy it. Infact I always look forward to the last little bit of my coffee cup where I get all the sludgy goodness of it. When I pour...
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    Hello from Canada

    Hi everyone, I'm from the province of Saskatchewan in Canada. I am 23 years old and a male. Currently I am a student taking engineering at the U of S and have one year left of studies. I enjoy wieght lifting, Yoga, playing Squash and meditate quite regularily. Also I love to cook and eat...
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    Roasting at home

    Hi all, I am fairly new to "good coffee" having only been at this for about a year... I haven't ever tried roasting at home, but it looks interesting. Are there any tips or good sources for me to look at with regards to this? Any suggestions for what kind of equipment to use? Also is this...
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    moka and bodum coffee

    The only coffee I brew is from a moka pot and a French Press (Bodum of course!), I can't stand the weak flavour of drip makers. I enjoy coffee that's very thick, full bodied, and as little acidity as possible. I also enjoy dark roasts. I'm wondering, what coffee goes best with a Moka pot, and...
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    bold beans

    Hi all, I was wondering what origin bean is best to brew a very bold, full bodied cup of coffee. Currently I like to use Etheopian dark roast as that is the boldest I found. Niceraguan is pretty good too, not as bold but has a nice bitter-sweet almost cocao like taste. Is there any origin...
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    coffee and tea

    It seems I am walking the fence, as in I drink both tea and coffee of roughly the same amounts. Coffee people scoff at me for drinking tea and call me a hippie. Tea drinkers say I'm one of the "coffee sloppers" who have no taste. I like both actaully. Is there anyone else in the same boat as...