Search results

  1. L

    black beans?!

    my last shipment of coffee included a bag of colombian coffee. the bag seemed to have some kind of dark stain on one side. as if it laid in something. I opened the bag and saw that some of the beans were black. I emailed the supplier and attached some pictures and they offerd to send me...
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    still here, still hanging on.

    and saying hello. business is good, if challenging. new coffee supplier, I'm the baker now, so employees are towing the line, cause I'm there all the time, and I'm grouchy. for the most part, I do have to sleep. I am about to raise prices, change menu, to more trendy healthy foods. how many...
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    ok, try a shorter version

    to sell a business such as a coffee shop, would a business broker type sales agent be better than internet advertisement by owner?
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    If an owner of a coffee shop wanted to sell it, what would be the best way? I'm not sure if we do, but so many times lately it seems to be the answer to several problems, none really related to the business. it is doing well. I don't think it would be smart to have the fact that it is for...
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    dogs and money

    I have dogs. well, maybe they have me. anyway my male rottie sometimes goes to the shop with me when I have to go after close. sometimes I take one of my dogs to visit with the customers and their dogs which are welcome out on our patio. well my big boy likes to eat money. I have taken a lot...
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    fire inspector blues

    the small town our shop is in has hired a fire marshal and made effective more stringent fire codes. Alas, my new griddle has brought about the inevitable. we grew from such a small shop...buying a few dozen making our own breads, cakes, muffins, scones, breakfasts and a sandwich...
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    going crazy

    we have finished our "facelift" in the customer area. everybody is happy. now the kitchen. it is small and cramped. I have equipment that must be in there. the other day our counter top "range" started throwing fire. sigh. I've ordered a new electric grill. and since the shipping was cheaper...
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    new furniture

    the other day I found a tremendous deal on some good furniture for our shop. this led to painting, and general facelift. what a nice feeling! I came by to do some maintenance after closing and found some people looking in the window. they said "we wanted to see their new furniture", not knowing...
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    resting beans

    I had to go out of town. I roasted a lot of coffee, and have discovered that the coffee that was roasted a week and a half ago is tasting really nice. how long do you roasters feel is the "best" resting period for beans.
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    such a dilemma

    I've posted about this before, I think. I am in the process of buying out my business partner. we have reached an agreement that is fine with both of us. In the process of discussing the agreement, several times the idea of selling has come up. Both of us would sigh and think about it...
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    new crops

    I've gotten a few things figured out. like some long handled wire brushes and a little shop vac to clean before I even fire up my little guy. Also have learned to slow things down around 395. I can adjust the flame and roast a little longer than full speed ahead and get some good flavor...
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    how to determine a business worth?

    Our shop may be going through some changes. we want to establish the market value of the business, not the property. Is there a good and fair way to do this? we want to do it before making some changes, both in operations and the partnership. I know comps are a typical way, but our shop is...
  13. L

    egads, the chaff!

    roasting away on my little ambex ym2. But I have discovered a potential issue I hope to get advice on. I had been using a shop vac stuck into the exhaust vent to clean the squirrel cage fan. obviously it wasn't getting the chaff. the fan stopped moving air, and I took the fan out and the...
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    roaster to sell

    I may regret it, but I'm going to try to sell my 1 K, electric roaster. It does a good job, just couldn't roast enough coffee to keep up with my shop needs. I'll give someone a good deal on it.
  15. L

    roast, data, meanings

    a short update. I've been roasting away, and noticing much improvement in taste. I noticed a lack of body in some Mexican coffee I'd roasted. did another batch and tried to slow the roast down a bit. I think the coffee tasted much better, and really that was such a thrill, to taste a difference...
  16. L

    decisions! help

    a couple of nights ago, I got up at 3:30 am signed in to ebay to try to be high bidder on an Ambex ym 5. missed it by $50. It looked like it had experienced some exciting chaff fires, but I was willing to take a gamble. now I am strongly considering another roaster on ebay. an Ambex ym2. my...
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    7th birthday

    We have operated our coffee shop for 7 years now. We own our own location on 1/3 acre, right on edge of a charming historic town. Area is growing like crazy. we have between 7-9 employees, own all the equipment, owe no one money except the mortgage on the property. Business is good, we roast...
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    filter basket frustrations

    our shop is "low tech" we only recently switched to older auto brewers. before switching, I had a problem with filter basket overflow. now have a problem with dry spots in the coffee after a brew cycle. I have tried tamping, tapping, prewetting. What I can't do is use less coffee. using 6 oz...
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    temp, color and oil?

    I'm hoping for a bit of advice please. the coffe we are roasting tastes good, the degree of roast is looking right as far a color goes, but I am not getting much if any oily sheen on the darker roasts. my temperature gauge is air in drum. I don't know whether to go for higher temps or longer...
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    small electric roaster

    I recently purchased a small (2#) electric roaster to roast for our shop. I'm wondering if any on this forum has experience roasting with an electic roaster? I like it, it seems well made and I am (I think :!: ) getting pretty tasty roasts. any hints or observations about roasting small and...