Search results

  1. M

    Sierra Leone

    This is one of the coffees that I am anticipating to try. There is a co-op there which is expecting an 07 harvest. The country from 91-2002 was in civil war. To my best of knowledge there are no places that offer SL Coffee. Especially a single origin one. Does anybody know someone who seels...
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    Using Coffee to help those in need

    I'm deeply troubled by the things in uganda. If you don't know much about what is going on there. I suggest you research it. check out or Its probably top on my list. As far as conflict areas. The 1st time I heard about it, something just hit home. I...
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    Shot in the dark

    my cup of choice when I venture to a coffee shop in the morning is usually a shot in the dark. I haven't been to a coffee shop in many months. I've been french pressing at home a lot. So I wen't to the new coffee house in town and ordered a shot in the dark. This was my 1st time there. They...
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    Coffee Stats

    I was curious in thinking what the public is drinking theese days. And I was wondering if my perception is valid. So how much (%) of drink sales would you break down the following into. Coffee Fraps (cold drinks) Caps and lattes Espresso Is your shop small, aveage, or large? JM
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    Press Pots misc

    How long should a shop keep their coffee in a press pot? I am not a fan of a press pots. I think coffee is not given justice when served lesser than fresh. But it seems in general theese days old Joe is not given justice. I guess its the increase of fraps or caps has decreased the sell of...
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    Blackberry Green Tea Frap

    This reminded me of the old Big Train days But the SB Blackberry Green Tea Frap was prety sweet JM
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    Etheopian Harrar

    Just wanted to give it up to one of my favorite origins I love this stuff JM
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    Saturday and a lil else

    Saturday is a coffee day definately. Even though I work tomorrow I should be able to wake a bit earlier and enjoy a cup as I do most saturdays. I'd rather have 1 great cup than a whole pot of substandard sludge. There is a coffee shop here that i'm waiting for. It was announced that it...
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    Sample Package

    Sample of beans I'd like to sample some different beans. I was thinking enough for 2-3 cups of various beans. anyone know of any sites that sell a sample package JM
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    Vacum Pot

    any reccomendations for a vacum Pot coffee maker? wants to get one should be reliable, and functionable Fashionalbe design and under $50 jm
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    Espresso Vodka

    Van Gogh ( an expensive vodka) makes a double espresso vodka I want to save my money and get this its about 30 for a botttle I think. anyone try it? JM
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    Ice Cream

    I had some Coffee English Toffee Crunch Ben and Jerrys ice cream last night. YUM! I also think the Haagen Daz Coffee Ice cream is amazing I haven't tried the starbucks ice cream yet. Affogato al cafe: vanilla icecream hot espresso coffee Pour hot espresso over the icecream. I've...
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    Coffee in america

    Why can't or doesn't coffee grow in the lower 48 states? it seems to me that places in the southeast would be pretty similar to the caribbean in climate My friend bought a coffee plant (lives in south georgia) a year or so ago I'm pretty sure its still live and kicking hasn't fruited yet.
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    anyone use a Moka would it be worth investing in one? I want to make espresso but not buy a machine. JM
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    100 Degrees

    I live in south georgia. and we reached very close to 100 degrees the othe day I had a nice hot cup of coffee I must be crazy. JM
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    WHats in your cup?

    I picked up some french (roast) puruvian beans from the local shop yesterday and just ground and brewed a french press mmm mmm nice and dark a fine kick you in the butt coffee JM
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    Cold Fury

    a tasty drink from a local shop that is now closed Cold Fury / Iced Espresso 2 Fresh Double Shots of espresso Pour into a small martini shaker over ice shaken in a fury till your hands hurts poured into a martini glass w/ out ice or regular glass with ice enjoy I was thinking today how its...
  18. M

    Heat Source

    Would the heat source (gas, electric, fire) change the roasted taste of a bean? I'm planning to buy/build a roaster and experiment at home sometime down the road, and I was curious about that. I'm not sure How I feel about an electric roaster. It seems as it wouldn' taste as good. most...
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    Best Grocery Store Coffee

    So what in your opinion is the top grocery store coffee? Meaning coffee that doesn't have to be specially ordered and avail at most stores. excluding starbucks, cause they don't count and I don't like them for a billion reasons :shock: I'd say at the top is community coffee (which can be...
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    There ain't much better

    There ain't much better than a great shot of espresso Something that is usually overlooked and underappreciated, I've also been known to drive for good espresso, since the town I live in doesn't have any also one time wrote a little poem / song about it Mmm espresso that dark dank mystery in...
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    A new bean for the coffee snob in me

    I'm looking for Coffee. I just finished my Nicaraguan Single origin. It was called Muse and was from a shop that recently closed :( I would have to say that this was probably the best coffee I've ever had. A note; my friend owned the shop and one day we had a taste test day, the roaster...