Search results

  1. L

    coffee roasters in Los Angeles California?

    I have someone searching for a great roaster in California any ideas? oh and it's for wholesale
  2. L

    need a name:)

    Ok so this is probably the hardest part for me. I am having a brain block when it comes to a catchy name for a tropical location coffee shop. I don't want anything with a hot (temperature wise) name, something with more of a modern tropical, local feel. Anyone got some ideas??? Thanks :)
  3. L

    need a name

    Ok so this is probably the hardest part for me. I am having a brain block when it comes to a catchy name for a tropical location coffee shop. I don't want anything with a hot (temperature wise) name, something with more of a modern tropical, local feel. Anyone got some ideas??? Thanks :)
  4. L

    Espresso Machines?????? Help

    Hello everyone, so this is my first time with all this but i thought who better to ask a simple question than people who are passionate about coffee? so here goes, i am looking to start a small coffee shop overseas and need to know the best 3 group espresso machine. I have no idea where to...