Search results

  1. 3CatsNoMice

    Saeco Odea Giro Espresso (Refurb) $349.99

    Today only - or until sold out. I know zero about this machine but thought I'd pass it along what appears to be a good deal...Home.Woot
  2. 3CatsNoMice

    Lavazza Gran Crema (ESE) Pods

    For ease of use (also maybe a little lazy) I am thinking of trying the Lavazza Gran Crema ESE pods. Since the best deals come in a 150 pod package, I am looking for opinions before spending $50 plus or minus.
  3. 3CatsNoMice

    Cuisinart EM-200 Any Good?

    Does any one have/use a Cuisinart EM-200? If so, what's your opinion about it?