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  1. U

    Location Synopsis - Give me your Feedback

    Hello everyone! Basically what I'm wanting to do is give a run down of my town/location and see if any of you experienced businessmen/women have any feedback. I will be located in a small town in Southwestern Virginia with a population of 3,600 as of the 2000 census. There is one established...
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    Flat out - How much did it take to start up?

    I've seen figures thrown around in various threads but I have yet to see one with cold hard figures. I realize, and understand, that some of you might not like to share this information - however, those of you who do, I feel that it would be very beneficial to the community. So, basically: 1)...
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    Eastern Tennessee / Western Virginia Roasters?

    Hello everyone! I've asked around and it seems that no one has a very solid suggestion for a roaster. My shop will be opening very soon and this is one of the last details that I have yet to set into stone. I've received samples from places in the more southern parts of the U.S. and abroad...