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  1. B

    When is the best time to grind post roast?

    I have some customers who prefer that I grind their coffee for them. I am unsure of when the best time is to do that post roast? Does grinding right after roasting affect the degassing process? Is there an optimal time I should wait before grinding? I would appreciate some feedback. Thanks...
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    Ambex YM-2 drum stops!

    I have something going on with my YM-2 and am looking for some quick advice. The drum stops pinning in the middle of a roast. I have checked the chain drive in the back of the drum and it is still intact and turning freely. I did find the srew holding the bearing on the drum on the front of...
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    Advice on High heat & drop temp

    I am somewhat unsure of some roasting terminology and need some advice. I have often read that certain bean types require different heating profiles. When I hear "high initial heat" say for a Yirgacheffe, does it mean a higher drop temp or more gas during the initial phase of roasting? I...
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    Ipad apps for roasting?

    Is anyone using their Ipad to log data while roasting? I am curious to know what apps, if any, the specialty roasters of the world are using. I recently purchased an Ipad and am looking for ways to use it for logging data. Anyone have any suggestions? I would appreciate some feedback...
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    Help!-Flat coffee/ bad finish

    I am reaching out b/c I have recently experienced that my roasted coffee just doesn't taste near as good as it once did, and not sure what is going on. I am using the same green supply purchased in 1q of 2011, so I have had them for a little while. As far as roasting goes, I am hitting all my...
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    soft vs. hard beans

    I am struggling to find out what category some of my beans fall into, whether they are hard or soft beans. Can anyone offer some advice? is there a simple chart to which i could refer? Don't soft beans need gentler heat, where hard beans more intense? I would like some guidance on this...
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    Moisture meter

    Has anyone seen or know where I can get a moisture reading unit? I saw something at Lowe's last week that was used to read the amount of moisture in wood, concrete, and other building matierials. I am wondering if anyone thinks this would work for coffee? It costs aroung $40.00, which is much...
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    Roasting Profiles

    I am fairly new in the raosting process and am trying to find the best place to research for roasting profiles. I have a YM-2 and just need some help getting the basic profiles for my beans, and basic set ups for the YM-2. Can anyone shed some light for me? I would really appreciate it.:-D
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    ANother newbie from the south

    I just wanted to say hello. I just bought a used YM-2 and am in the process of learning the roasting process. I have had some success, but will need to lean on you all to help me improve. I sure could you some pointers on what I need to concentrate on with respect to learning the roasting...