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  1. E

    Big Merchant service issue. Help!

    To Team Caffeine, Does anyone have PayPros merchant services? If yes then check you most recent statements since mine has gone from 3.25% to 32% :!: Yup, you're reading that correctly. THIRTY TWO PERCENT!! Insane. Evidently there was some lawsuit or litigation lost by VISA and penalties are...
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    Customized paper cups?!

    It seems to take an act of Congress to get some movement froma dist for the benefit of the independant to compete in the customized world of paper cups. Who out there has beaten the system and how? IP seems to want such high numbers otherwise don't waste their time! So I'm cuious if anyone in...
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    Triple shot basket for Nuova VIP??

    I am curious to know if there is a specific triple shot basket for the Nuova Simonelli Program VIP? My inquiries to Nuova have been unreturned and I find it a little disturbing since they have been great for two years up until now. Oh and on a side note.... anyone buy into the "stabilizing a...
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    Coffee Bag Labels/Private labeling

    Can someone recommend a label provider that does quality work? I'm looking to purchase some custom labels for my whole bean sales and I'm just starting to look. I'm just trying to narrow down hundreds to about five to get some quotes. Can you also let me know of some pitfalls to avoid and...
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    Ghirardelli chocolate sauce problem

    Has anyone noticed with the Sweet Ground Choc sauce that the last bit of sauce clumps quite a bit at the bottom and there seems to be quite a bit of waste of product and time getting it out? Does anyone have a solution for this problem? I have been heating the 64oz jug on top of my espresso...
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    Can someone recommend a couple of confection merchants or manufacturers that really have a nice presentation? I am looking for something that could and would be offered in a nice bed and breakfast or 5 Star Hotel. Any and all help is greatly appreciated. Rob
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    Panini grills

    Can someone give me some advice on panini grills that can grill more than 4 sandwiches at a time? I am receiving some inquiries for catering and I'm relunctant to take them since I can only grill 4 at a time. If someone likes a large grill that is dependable I am all ears..... or eyes for...
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    Food prep slicers?

    Does anyone offer panini out there that slices their own meats? I'm using whole turkey and whole loaf cheeses and would like to get a medium volume slicer for my food prep. As it is now I'm hand sliccing everything but volume is getting to the point where it's now too time consuming. I was...
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    Gelato anyone?

    I'm currently serving Gelato in my central/southern CA E-bar however I've grown frustrated with my current Gelato case and want a significant upgrade. Does anyone have any favorites and why? I'm in the market for a 12-15 bin display case with the standard underneath freezer to hold another 6-8...
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    Ghirardelli sauces

    I was curious if anybody has any experience with the sugar free Ghirardelli sauces? I put up the regular recipe against Guittard,Torani, and DaVinci side by side at the exact same time using the same ratios and Ghirardelli out shined the others. (using my particular espresso but Guittard shined...
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    Mazzer Super Jolly vs Nuova MDX

    Have a shop & been pleased with the MDX and my MDM grinders. Getting busy to the point where I need a 3rd grinder. Just wanna know it the Super is THAT much better for the money? Like I said, have no complaints with what I have but I do want to do my due diligence to see if it can get that much...