Search results

  1. L

    caribou coffee

    Did I see a few posts from owner of Caribou coffee in Chicago?? Or has anyone been there or heard of them?? I'm not sure if it is a chain or just a cafe by itself. Any info would be great!!
  2. L

    Business plan

    Does anyone know if there is a company out there regarding Coffee, espresso, ect that will help with a business plan. And how detailed do you usually have to be in a business plan? I have LOTS of fun great ideas but I really need to know if it is reality in my area. Any advice would be VERY...
  3. L

    solar roasting???

    Has anyone heard of Solar roasting?? Rainforest company is trying it or is going to try it? Is this a crazy idea or someting new iv'e never heard of??
  4. L

    roast or not to roast??

    That is the question.... Who roasts their own beans and who goes with a roaster?? Which is most effecient?? are there people to train on roasting yourself if that's what I choose?? more work or worth it?? Any help appreciated. :)
  5. L

    multiple companies or stick to one???

    What is your opinion on coffee roasters?? Do you carry one company or multiple. I've heard pros and cons either way. I have found also that some roasters frown on a shop carring more than one company. one point I heard is ..You wouldn't go to a wine shop that only carried 1 type of wine, why...
  6. L

    Wet vs. Dry caps What is right??

    Ok... Does anyone know the real European way to make a capuccino??? I was told that a dry cap is not suppose to be a correct way to make one. What is the history behind them??? I want to know what I'm talking about next time I see this guy!! :D
  7. L

    Help in Idaho!!

    I am new to this site but have found ALOT of useful info Thanks!!! My question is... Do those of you that own coffee shops, espresso stands etc... find that they are EVERYWHERE??? Would you say open one today?? There are lots of drive through stands here but I'm interested in a sit down coffee...