Search results

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    Fort Worth's Panther City Coffee - Closed

    Hi all, I haven't posted here in quite a while, but I thought I'd spread the word that Badger over at Panther City had to close his doors this past weekend. To anyone who has visited his shop or tried his coffee, please send him a kind word of encouragement. For his e-mail address, visit...
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    Texas licenses and permits question:

    To my Texan friends - I am interested in selling my home-roasted coffee beans at a local craft show and have NO idea where to start. I'm mainly looking to sell bags of beans, but if I can also get away with serving coffee at the event I think it would definitely improve my sales. I know I can...
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    Legalities re: Selling Home-Roasted Coffee

    Hi all, I'm not sure if I can find my answer here or not, but Google has not been much assistance in the matter. I am curious as to if there are any laws regarding selling home-roasted coffee. I'm sure they vary by location - I'm in Texas. I'm just thinking that my kitchen would not pass a...
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    Home Roasting - Holes in Beans?

    I don't know how else to describe the issue I'm having - they look like little holes, in the bean. I have a horrible camera and this is the best shot I can get. If you look at the bean on top, I think it's got the most visible holes. They don't go all the way through, just through a layer or so...
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    College Town Advertising

    Hi everyone, I am trying to come up with some ideas for advertising a coffee shop in a college town/neighborhood. There are the obvious ones - flyers, school newspapers, having a Myspace account, and having popular area musicians come through. But is there anything out of the ordinary I could do...
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    Sexy Baristas

    This is definitely worth your time if you haven't seen it.
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    Buying Shop - What to Ask

    The owner of a local coffee shop (and somewhat of a friend of mine) casually asked me if I was interested in buying his shop. He explained that while the shop is on the track to being profitable maybe by fall, definitely by winter, he just absolutely does not have the money to last that long...
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    Home Roasting Chaff Question

    Okay, I have this issue with the fact that I am not King Midas, and everything I touch does not always turn to gold. However, I'm willing to admit this momentarily in order to get some help. I know this isn't the best way to be doing things, but living paycheck to paycheck, it's my only current...
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    Locations, Leases, and Surveys

    My three questions are sort of unrelated, but I didn't want to bog everything down by making seperate posts. Any answers to any of the following will be helpful. 1. How do you determine if a potential location is good? This is what I have been struggling most with. A local shop recently shut...
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    Coffee Forums Birthday?

    Do we have a 4th birthday coming up?? I noticed that the "Welcome" post was made on March 10.
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    Is Starbucks Getting Back to the Basics?

    I can in NO WAY say if this letter is real or not, but check it out for yourself. A letter from the founder of Starbucks to the current CEO. And I'll repeat, I'm just passing along the info that was passed to me.
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    White Coffee Latte

    Has anyone heard of/tried/made/sold these? According to "The Complete Idiot's Guide to Coffee & Tea", it is as follows: "This is a drink that's new to many cafes, but you still may come across it. White coffee is coffee that's been underroasted and is often prepared as espresso. It has a...
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    Looking for Samples

    Hi all, I am exploring some business ideas and would like to sample coffees from some different roasters in the Dallas/Fort Worth area. However, because I am in the very early stages of the planning, I do not yet have funding to buy a little bit from everyone. Should this be a concern, or will...
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    What Starbucks Baristas are Saying...

    I came across this earlier, and thought I'd share it with you all - I've done everything I can not to display names or thread location so as not to create a big commotion over there... Oh no they di'nt! I was flipping through an alternative weekly paper yesterday when I came across an ad for...
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    Drink Modifaction Order?

    Everybody is probably familiar with the fact that it's important to have an order you call out drink modifications in to your barista. What I'm interested in, is, does everyone use pretty much the same order? I know *$ uses 1. Iced (if applicable) 2. Decaf 3. Shots (if different amount than...
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    Some Health Benefits Coffee Offers

    The following is copied and pasted directly from this article: Health-conscious consumers always have considered their daily Java a guilty pleasure. Conventional thinking would suggest that caffeine may raise blood...
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    Peanut Butter Syrup

    Does anyone make a peanut butter flavored syrup? Any ideas why not (assuming the answer is no)? I have searched for it and haven't been able to find anything, but I'm not sure why - I think that peanut butter would go great in a mocha or with any of the nuttier syrups in a latte... ideas...
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    Syrup question

    There are a million different flavored syrups. Each company only makes a certain amount. My question is: If you want to offer a wide variety of syrups, do you try to stick with one single company for a little consistency? Or does it make much of a difference if you have a little bit from everyone?
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    Coffee Quotes

    Maybe this has been done - but I looked pretty far back in the boards and couldn't find anything like it. What are your favorite quotes having to do with coffee? My favorite may be: Behind every successful woman is a substantial amount of coffee. - Stephanie Piro
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    Decent Home Countertop Espresso Machine

    Hi all, I am looking for a home espresso machine that is good. I've had and used a few, and none seem to produce anything of real quality - I feel like I'm using an EasyBake oven to cook a casserole, if that makes any sense?
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    Homemade Drinks

    Hi all, I am having a couple friends over tonight and while I do not have a home espresso machine worth a flip, I'd like to make them some "fancy" coffee-based drinks. After being their barista for a couple years, I know what they like, I'm just not sure how to produce something similar at home...
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    Vietnamese Coffee

    A friend of my mom's gave me some Vietnamese coffee her mother (who has a plantation in Vietnam) sent over. The message I got with the coffee was to put a little Eagle Brand in before I drink it; any ideas why? And any suggestions on preparation method of the coffee? I've got a glass...
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    I hear eggnog scrambles when it's steamed and not cut with milk... fact or fiction? I've only steamed it with a little milk, never by itself.
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    Identifying an unknown machine

    Help! I can't see the plaque to get a model number... but I'm curious as to what exactly I'm working with! The shop owner can't remember, all we know is it's a 2 group Laurentis... an older model, judging by the pictures on the Laurentis website. But the website is most definitely not in...
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    Latte art increasing sales?

    Okay, so latte art is pretty. And fun, once you get the hang of it. But has anyone noticed an increase in sales due to latte art? Do customers really tell their friends, "Dude, you've GOT to see this!"?
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    Has anyone had any success (or failure!) stories about doing t-shirts for your coffee shop? Not necessarily just for employees, but to sell to customers as well? Do people want to walk around in a coffee shop tshirt? I mean, you buy band tshirts to support your favorite local bands and whatnot...
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    Have any of you shop owners opened a franchise? Is anyone here thinking about it? If so, please shoot me an email. I'm interested in how well it has worked, any franchise-specific benefits or problems, concerns, etc. I'm talking to a local shop owner who I may open a franchise store for. We're...
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    Equipment Catalogs

    Do any of you know of websites I can visit to order a catalog to be sent to my home? I'm starting a new shop and want all the pricing info I can get on espresso machines, roasters, grinders, beans, syrups, cups - everything. Thanks in advance.
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    Anyone had it? I love the stuff... the best I've had is from - they raost all their coffee in-house upon order. I believe they will send you whole beans or ground, although I've only gotten whole beans. Sorry if anyone's asked about "huehue" before, I didn't see it in...
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    Opening shop

    I'm young, and I have plenty of time to work this all out, but I have this passions, this dream - to open a coffee shop. One day I'd like to have one in Manhattan but for now, I live in the Dallas/Fort Worth area. I just have some really basic questions for anyone who can help. 1. I know of...