Search results

  1. T

    Barista training

    Anyone know of a decent barista school. Most are very expensive (understandable). Not sure how to know if they are good or bad schools. Would like to become a certified barista. Thanks if you can help.
  2. T

    Espresso kiosk

    Hey all, Interested in opening a coffee kiosk in a hotel. Cant seem to find any place to purchase really upscale kiosk. any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks
  3. T

    Retail/Sales counters

    Hi, We are in the mid-planning stages of opening a specialty coffee house and are looking for retail/sales counters to purchase. If we build them new, there are many restrictions and building codes to follow. Does anyone have ideals or contacts to purchase "unique" sales counters? Any...
  4. T

    Profit margin woes

    Hi, We are working toward the opening of a coffee cafe, serving a light lunch, desserts etc. We have heard several strategies for the percent of mark ups on all products. Does anyone have suggestions? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks