BEWARE of Dn Hudson and Cafe Coffees dot com
Where else can I post this disgusting piece of vermins warning Can anyone give me a list of sites where I can post this warning too.
$5K is a shipload full of money to lose and I too will do more than what you will do if...
DON HUDSON is a RIP OFF artist and a fraud - he got me for $5K and I am in Australia.....
Full story at cafecoffees rip off dot com just join the first 2 words as one then dot com.
onyabike coffee Australia
Where else can I post this disgusting piece of vermins warning
Can anyone give me a list of sites where I can post this warning too.
$5K is a shipload full of money to lose and I too will do more than what you will do if I ever meet this prick face to face, in fact I know people who will even...
I was ripped off by Don Hudson.
I paid $5000 plus shipping for a roaster that when it eventually arrived WAS NOT what I ordered.
Don refuses to answer my emails
THIS compnay is a SCAM FOLKS and I would appreciate it if someone could jelp me out as $5K...