Search results

  1. M

    What kind of coffee roaster problems have you had? Would you change anything?

    Thanks for answer ,ease of cleaning is a very important thing
  2. M

    What kind of coffee roaster problems have you had? Would you change anything?

    What are the main problems you have with your coffee roaster? If there is no problem what would you change? I'm a small roaster maker and i'm trying to improve my product , any report would be a great help. TKS:coffee-bean::heart:
  3. M

    A question for you guys: What is the price range of a coffee roaster in your country?

    I do roasters for coffee here in Brazil and I have a curiosity. What is the price range of a coffee roaster in your country? please specify size (KG) please specify size (KG) 36/5000 [/COLOR] please specify size (KG) tks