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    burnt expreso

    nope it wasnt the beasn because i tried different brands. in my last post i said "I put milk where the milk goes" its actually suposed to say"I put milk where the WATER goes" so milk went through the system and would give the expresso a burnt taste. I was able to fix this by using the machine...
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    burnt expreso

    um... the first time I tried to froth something I put milk where the milk goes.... :oops: um... so could the expreso machine be dirty? If so how would you clean it?
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    burnt expreso

    Hey all! I just bought a Mr. Coffe Expreso machine but I can't get it to work right. Everytime I try to make expresso it tastes burnt. I have no clue what is wrong. I think it was onced returned to the shop I bought it because the instructions were not there. I have tried different types of...