Our shop has owned and used an Ambex YM5 for a couple of years now. We started with monthly simple cleaning and maintenance and have stretched that to every 2.5 months with good luck and no issues (clean cooling ducts and fan and main fan, grease bearings, including the bearing under the...
I've been challenged by my son, who works in the "Craft Beer" industry, to try to make some Hops Infused Coffee. I've seen at least one commercial roaster that sells this product. I've read about infusing or adding flavors to coffee, we add syrup and spices in our cafe. My son and...
Seeds Coffee in Homewood AL is in the process of growing from a Roaster Authority 2kg machine to a used Ambex 5kg machine. Does anyone have the owners/operators manual for a 5kg machine that we could get a copy of? As an aside, we never got a manual for our new Roaster Authority VR2...