Search results

  1. W

    Any Ideas??? summer

    Any one have any good ideas on summer drinks to add to our summer menu??? we have added a mexican spiced chocolate frozen drink to our menu and it is doing ok. I am always looking for the new stuff out there and was wondering what was going on in the industry. Thanks in advance Felix
  2. W

    Positive coffee stories

    Looking for some positive coffee/health stories to post on our web site. Did a simple search on the net and didn't come up with much. Any help would be great. thanks, felix
  3. W

    Good Health Stories

    Looking for some positive health stories regarding cofee and your health. I would love to post some positive stories on our website. I have done a simple search and have not come up with much. Any help would be great. Thanks, Felix
  4. W

    Need help finding drive thrue monitor

    One of our challenges has been the fact that we some times don't know when customers are at the window. The employees are cleaning for restocking etc....... So i am looking for something that will chime when a customer pulls up to either side of the window. I know radio shack has a door chime...
  5. W

    Some Advice

    My wife and I just opened a drive thru coffee shop and was just wondering if there is any advice out there??? We are into our second week and things are going ok. We are located in San Antonio, Texas and are located in a great part of town. We have great car count but seem to be not taking...