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  1. B

    Anyone start out part time, then........

    Has anyone roasted in their spare time, and gotten to where they are making a living roasting.
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    Coffee roaster price differences

    I got a quote for the SF-6 LB of $ 10,500 I see a 22 pound Toper for $ 11,697 I'm looking for a "smallish" roaster. Is the SF that much better of a unit than Toper ? Thanks for your help
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    Behmor 1600

    Is this thing ever coming out, or was this some kind of joke. Anyone with good info please pass along. Thanks
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    Anyone in NOLA want to split a sack of beans

    If you go through 2# of coffee per week, and split a sack, it would last each person about 9-10 months (depending on the sack weight). Only problem is finding 2 people that want the same beans. I'm new at this, but I'm guessing you would save a lot of money buying a whole sack (and doesn't...
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    Scored in New Orleans

    Found a local roaster that was willing to sell me green beans. Killer good (Nicaraguan Matagalpa). Went by and picked them up. Just mentioning in case some local NOLA roasters are interested. Super nice people too.
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    Never before asked question

    Yeah right. I am looking for a good grinder / mill. I do mostly French press, and my blade grinder is wasting a LOT of beans, and/or leaving a lot of sediment. Either hand or electric model. I'm not a coffee shop, so I'm looking in the $ 50.00 to $ 125.00 price range. Thanks from a noobie.
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    Homemade roaster

    Saw someone drilled a hole in a electric skillet and attached a gear motor on the bottom with a wire on the top. Anyone ever do this or have any plans. Also, what rpm would you want your paddle to move. Thanks
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    Bravi Home Coffee Roaster

    Anyone have one of these ? I need to do 1/2 # at a time. Drink coffee quite a bit, so I'd need about 1# per week. thanks
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    How long before

    I'm looking to spend around $ 600.00 for a home roaster. I drink a lot of coffee, and since finding Dallis Coffee in NY, I'm hooked. How long before I am roasting beans like I can buy from them. I am also a beer homebrewer for 5+ years. This "hobby" will allow you to go as deep into it as you...
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    Duplicating a roast

    I love the Nicaraguan Estatt Santa Lucia from Dallis Coffee in NY. I'm new to this, but want to know if I could closely duplicate this roast. What kind of green beans and what would the roasting schedule be. Thanks for your help.
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    Stove top roaster

    New here. Is spending $ 50.00 for this thing (including some sample green beans) worth the money - kind of a intro to roasting ?