Search results

  1. A

    Espresso how you like it.

    I tend to drink most of my coffee at home and make it from home roasted beans, although I do love visiting the occasional cafe and really look forward to sampling their coffee and enjoying their individualised version of cafe culture. Mostly though I come away dissappointed, due mostly to weak...
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    What would you call this ?

    My Daughter and boyfriend called over on Saturday afternoon. We sat in the warmth of the outside deck for a while before she asked me if I knew how to make an iced coffee. To which I replied "I could make a coffee with ice in it... (and a few other nice things) but I don't know if I would...
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    Twitching eye

    Am I the only person in the world who gets a twitching eyelid which lasts for months (yes literally months) and the only cure is to go right off coffee for a week... then it stops ? I'm afraid my twitching eye is related to consuming coffee :cry: :cry: :cry: I drink only two strong cups of...
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    husks and corn poppers

    I've been roasting away merrily using 4 little corn poppers for 18 months and enjoying great results. I would like to hear from others who also roast like this and how do get rid of those pesky bean husks in some origins. I have been roasting Brazil, Costa Rica, Colombian and Kenyan now for...
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    Home Roasting Interim results

    As a newbie to home roasting I am having to do plenty of trials to see how I like my beans, boy its been tough having to wade through mountains of freshly roasted coffee. As already mentioned, I've had four origins available at this stage: Colombian, PNG, Sumatran and Kenyan. My initial plan...
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    Grinding too fresh.

    Had a spate of visitors over the last couple of days and been getting through my small amount of freshly roasted beans. I noticed yesterday that I was going to run out by today. Not a good thing to have happen around here. So I had to pop out to the garage and get the corn popper a'roasting...
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    milk based espresso

    Call me a wimp but I have yet to switch to the Dark Side. I'm afraid that for all my efforts to pour the best coffee I can, I still need that frothy white milk in there to make it palletable. I just can't enjoy the pure form of coffee ..... so far anyway. But milk seems to be the weakest...
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    Blending home roasted beans.

    I believe my popper is a little faster to roast than your average commercial machine so I don't want to roast too dark. I have PNG, Colombian, Kenyan and Sumatran green beans and so far I have tried them all as single origin milk based espresso. Each one at has been sampled at medium roast and...
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    storing after roasting and before using...

    I'm new to roasting and enjoying the ride very much. After I roast, I'm cooling the beans down fast in a little mesh screen I put together on Saturday. It seems to work well. Then the cool beans go into an airtight container. I know this is not recommended, so what I've been doing is to...
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    Coffee for dessert.

    Actually both my wife and I find coffee after 3 pm dangerous. So I stooped to using some decaf the other day .... oops did I say the wrong thing :oops: Try this anyway, two small scoops of soft french vanilla ice cream, one shot of any coffee lequeur, a dollop (thats similar to a whallop but...
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    how to educate cafe owners ?

    As a former cafe owner and espresso serial murderer I am guilty of having served in the past, many, many cups of terrible coffee. In my defense, I was uneducated and blind. Having entered the world of cafe ownership from a love of cooking and not from a love of great coffee. I was therefore...
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    How far do you roast ?

    Most beans I see in cafes and for sale at the supermarket are quite a dark roast. I would judge them as having a slight oilyness on the bean. As compared to say a medium roast where the process has been stopped just before the oily stage. ( excuse my amateur attempts at catagorising coffee)...
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    Blend recommendation

    Hi all newbie here and first time user. I recently started roasting at home and have some Sumatran, PNG, Kenyan and Colombian beans. Would anyone care to recommend a roast schedule and blend ratio on these four beans ? Thanks.