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    A Brief history of coffee & coffeehouses

    Coffee vibes: a vibrant Story There is no history of mankind, there are only many histories of all kinds of aspects of human life. —Karl Popper, Austrian philosopher The original article seeks the story behind coffee and how it become so popular from East to West; from Coast to Coast. trying...
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    How to make Iced Coffee at home

    Iced coffee is getting more and more popular. You can find it in every coffee shop. There is an iced version for every coffee drink – cappuccino, latte, Caffé mocha, macchiato. But why you need to depend on others to make your favorite iced coffee drink, why don’t you make it yourself? There...
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    How to make the perfect cup of Cappuccino

    How to make the perfect cup of Cappuccino? :coffeecup: There is no reason why you cannot perform your own ritual of brewing espresso and making cappuccinos in the comfort of your own “kitchen-café”—to entertain guests, nourish your soul, and please your palate and maybe your pocketbook, too...
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    Does decaffeinated coffee have no caffeine effects

    Is really decaffeinated coffee has no caffeine effect's, contain a low amount a caffeine? or It's just the commercial purpose that's stand behind it, like Ziro Coca
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    The differences between Arabica and Robusta

    Of the worldwide coffee market, Arabica beans account for 75 to 80 percent; Robusta beans, for the remaining 20 to 25 percent. Following is a brief review of the world’s two largest coffee-produced and sold. Arabica and Robusta species differ in taste, caffeine content, disease resistance, and...
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    Coffee Robusta (also known as Canephora)

    Robusta or bust ROBUSTA: One of the two main coffee species, Robusta is responsible for the strength and intensity of the coffee. It lacks the aroma and smoothness of its competitor, the Arabica coffee bean. It grows well at low altitudes, and has twice the amount of caffeine, about 2.2...
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    Arabica coffee Beans

    Although there are more than twenty species within the genus Coffee, only two accounts for the vast bulk of the coffee drunk worldwide. Coffee Arabica is the original coffee– (“discovered” by the goatherd Kaldi)–and is native to the highlands of Ethiopia. Coffee Robusta (also known as Canephora)...