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  1. S

    Best Coffee Bean Blends

    Hi, Any suggestions for how you choose good your coffee bean blends? Do you have a blend recipe or brand you found that you love? What makes a great blend? For example, these two countries usually do well. Or, these roasts work for me when combined. Thanks for sharing! Regards, sjmyst
  2. S

    Is Keurig "all that" when compared to grinding your own coffee beans???

    Hi, I blog for a coffee bean web site. So, I've done a fair amount of research about various coffee beans grown all over the world. But, lately I've been noticing that in my local grocery stores, that even though I don't typically look for coffee beans at a grocery store, it seems that the...
  3. S

    What do you add to your coffee?

    Hi, Of course, there is the traditional cream and sugar. But, what else do you put in your coffee? I have tried cinnamon, and my wife has tried something called pumpkin spice. She especially likes the pumpkin spice in the Fall. Anyone have any other great suggetions? Regards, sjmyst