Search results

  1. jaredgibson87

    What equipment is a MUST HAVE for starting a coffee roasting business?

    So, I've been doing internet searches for the last couple of days about what equipment one would need when starting up a coffee roasting business. The coffee roaster is a no-brainer, but I'm not really finding much else on the subject; perhaps I'm not stroking Google the right way or I'm in fact...
  2. jaredgibson87

    How does a home roaster deal with so many choices in green coffee?

    So, I purchased 10 pounds of Sumatra Mandheling from Sweet Maria's in the middle of January of this year. I'm down to about four pounds left and considering buying more Sumatran, but now I've got the option of more Mandheling, Onan Ganjang Cultivar, Aek Nauli, and Batak Peaberry, where earlier...
  3. jaredgibson87

    Acidic vs metallic taste

    Acidic vs metallic taste (problem solved) edit: Nailed my problem down to not brewing long enough in my French press. Disregard, I guess :/
  4. jaredgibson87

    Advice for a wannabe roaster?

    Well, roasted my first 250 gram batch. I set the timer to 25:00 and left the temp setting at 428F. I was following along in the instruction manual on how to roast my first batch, so I was more concerned with reading and tinkering with fan and heating element settings than listening and watching...
  5. jaredgibson87

    Advice for a wannabe roaster?

    Well, I've been working at a Charbucks in a Target for over a year now. I've went from hardly being able to properly steam milk or taste the differences between their coffees -- or any coffee shop, for that matter -- to being in love with the preparation of coffee. I've been working at this...
  6. jaredgibson87

    Hello From Alabama

    I guess I should do the customary introduction thing here :) My name is Jared. I'm a barista at a Starbucks in a Target store -- yeah, I'm a classy high-end barista :lol:. I've only been working in the Starbucks area since May, and I'm basically a coffee noob. There are a few Starbucks brand...