Search results

  1. Q

    More bitter coffee and storage

    I'm a home roaster and my coffees taste great the first two days. After that they become slightly bitter. The roasted beans are left out over night to finish emitting gas and then stored in a plastic bag in the fridge. Wondering if I'm doing something wrong here as I read so many different...
  2. Q

    Rosto Pro 1500

    I am a home roaster currently using Hottop and am tired of 8 oz. at a time. Also, many of my friends are interested in buying from me and I know Hottop voids the warranty for commercial use. The only roaster I can find that is commerical yet usable at home is the Rosto Pro 1500 - pricey but...
  3. Q

    Selling Home Roasted

    Has anyone out there sold home roasted coffee, i.e. from their home? I have been roasting and giving to friends who are now willing to purchase (it's expensive keeping your friends caffinated!). I have looked on line for regulations and continue to come up information-less. I realize I will...
  4. Q

    Home Roasters

    I currently have a Hottop roaster which I love but am getting tired of the small batches of 8 oz. at a time. I have searched on line for a home roaster that will do more and thought I had seen one that would handle up to 2 lbs. Now I can't seem to locate it again. Does anyone know of a home...
  5. Q

    Filter Paper

    I am a home roaster and trying to make my own 4-cup coffee maker filters in order to travel with my own coffee and not have to experience that nasty pre-historic pre-packaged coffee pillow packs in hotel rooms. Most of the filter paper companies I have looked up only deal in large quantities or...