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  1. L


    i just want to know if .56 gallon of wáter is the equivalent of 2.1198306 liters??? if so, if we were to divide it by nine cups, what would each cup be? im only asking because when i divide .56 gallon by 9 and do the same with 2.1198306 i get different amounts! can someone please help me...
  2. L

    cold brew coffee

    can cold brew coffee be drank straight if one reheats it in the microwave? im going to make cold brew coffee concéntrate with one pound of coffee and a ratio of .56 gallon or 2.1198306 liters of wáter. i plan to leave it steeping for about 24 hours the máximum. after that and straining it...
  3. L

    Need Help: Cold Brew Coffee Recipe

    if i want to use one pound of ground roast coffee to make cold brew coffee concéntrate, what would be the mínimum amount necessary if all the cold brew coffee concéntrate is really only for me and no other people???????? would it be a liter, a gallon, a quart, ect............????? also, what...