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  • Sorry... I figured it out. Can't kick/ban from the profile evidently. Had to find a message in the forum to do it.
    Please permanent ban this member:

    who just sent me this message:
    Super Moderator? More like super buttplug or asskisser. Take your lameass wannabe barista crap elsewhere.
    Hello, Admin.

    It is my feeling that the MLM products which seem to nearly all revolve around adulterated coffee, gano or no, making health claims based on their ingredients and not any real clinical proof do not blong on this website. They really do not fit into a "Business to Business" model. I think that if they are allowed to stay that they be subjugated to a special "MLM" forum area, clearly marked as such in the forums title as "MLM opportunities." There has been too much abuse of the B2B area by these people and it is taking away from what could be a valuable forum area. If I had a "real" business I would not want my posts associated with such marketing hype.

    ALL IMO, of course.
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