Cuisinart SS700


New member
Jun 15, 2014
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Hi all:

I am a newbie here and with k cup machines, so if I am posting in the wrong area please correct and redirect me. I am looking to purchase the Cuisinart SS-700 k cup machine. I have read and watched videos on reviews of tons of k cup machines and so far this seems to be one of the best in the "affordable" lines of this kind of coffee makers. does anyone else out there own one and if so how do you like it? Thanks for any comments or recommendations......:eek:
k cups are evil contraptions designed to desensitize coffee drinkers everywhere.

but if you are bent on having one I guess go with the reviews.

BUT! For 20 dollars (US of course) you can own a french press(I don't know how many francs they are) and make a superior cup of coffee than any K-Cup could ever produce for a fraction of the price and only slightly more time and clean up.

and thats not all!

With the money you saved you can a grinder and some good locally roasted fresh coffee rainforest conservation
c.send a local kid on a mission trip some neat stuff for your house

you are lucky I am very bored or you would have never learned this valuable information.

PS where in GA are you?

and all sarcasm aside just enjoy some coffee, if k cup is the only way for you then may it be blessed with many wonderful cups.!
In my opinion, an important reason for people who buy a K-cup coffee maker is it is much easier to clean and simple to use. Seems like Cuisinart does not have too many model to choose and SS700 is one of the best.

  • Large 80-ounce removable water reservoir eliminates the need for frequent refills
  • 5 cup sizes, including iced beverage setting and removable drip tray for tall travel mugs
  • Fully programmable blue backlit LCD with digital clock, auto on/off, and adjustable temperature
Reusable K-cup could save you some bucks compared with the normal K-cups
Emma24, I'm going to challenge you something that may be extremely difficult, but I think you can do it!

I challenge to post 5 consecutive posts without using the word Keurig.

Bet you can't do it.

Do you own stock in Keurig's parent company, and are trying to drive up sales?

I'd put a smiley here, but it's no longer a laughing matter.
Emma24, I'm going to challenge you something that may be extremely difficult, but I think you can do it!

I challenge to post 5 consecutive posts without using the word Keurig.

Bet you can't do it.

Do you own stock in Keurig's parent company, and are trying to drive up sales?

I'd put a smiley here, but it's no longer a laughing matter.


After viewing today's posts, either she didn't see your challenge, or you won - hands down!

We'll be saying Bye-Bye soon.
