Sunda Geisha Hot Coffee

Just now drink Sunda Geisha. Sweet taste, chocolate aroma, acidity low. As seen in the picture.

i was not able to find any information about sunda geisha from internet.
can you tell me more about the coffee? such as where it is from, what varietal of coffee (it is called Geisha, but not so sure...), characteristics of profile (flavors), where we can buy from...etc
also, if you can forward us with some website that explains about this coffee, that would be great.
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Sunda Geisha

@ensoluna : thanks for the comment. Sorry for late reply...

Sunda Geisha is Arabica bean. It is produced in West Java, in a farm named Sunda Hejo, which is famous for their quality control and also known that their coffee are for export market, specially San Fransisco, USA. That's why only several people know about this coffee.

The fresh cherry from Sunda Geisha is carefully chosen and pulped in small batches. Being called as truly hand-crafted coffee because it is dried on raised bed in bamboo greenhouses and fermented over night. The beans are washed and the screen size is 15 up. It is grown in >1200m altitude.

About the flavor, it has deep malted chocolate and brown sugar, also you could taste tamarind, tangerine and a touch of sage.

In internet, information about Sunda Geisha may not exist. But if you type Sunda Hejo, you will find it. And if you want to buy this coffe, I sell it also in beans.

Hope this information helps you...
thanks for info. it helps.
however, I would like to know something about the process.
you said that "it is dried on raised bed and fermented over night". and then "beans are washed".
what kind of process is it?
natural process? yellow or red honey process? or Osimos process?
do they de-pulp the beans from cherries and then ferment? and then wash?

By the way, I have couple of SHB farm and export company in Guatemala, so I am "bit" familiar about the process of the cherries and bean.
that is why I am asking.
I do not quite understand the process of Sunda Geisha.
Also, is this the real "Geisha" that Ethiopia / Pamana & Guatemala have? or just name Sunda came out with?
Because I have never heard that Indonesia produces Geisha coffees.

Bit more of information will really help.
hello Again.
i found below info from Velton's Coffee - Java Sunda Hejo #java-sunda-hejo this website which matches with your description.
however, i do not think that is Geisha at all. Also, you said that Sunda Hejo is a farm, but it should be a cooperative as below description says and that means several Sunda farms are selling their coffees to the Cooperative (which act as exporting company for that area).

Also, Processing method says "washed". I am guessing "normal washed process". If it is not normal washed, but something unique for that coffee, please give me more info about this because I am very interested in knowing different kind of processes in different countries.

Anyway, i have learn that the Sunda coffee trees got planted in that region since 1990 which is very recent. I would love to try some for my own study.
thanks for giving me new information about new coffee.

Sunda Hejo is a premium mark from the Klasik Beans Cooperative. This coffee comes from small holder farmers in the mountainous region around the beautiful city of Bandung in West Java. The fresh cherry for the coffee is carefully chosen and pulped in small batches. Fermented overnight and washed clean, the parchment is dried on raised beds in bamboo greenhouses. A truly hand-crafted coffee!

  • Origin: Java
  • Region: Sunda / West Java
  • Producer: Klasik Beans Cooperative
  • Plant Species: Arabica
  • Coffee Grade: Grade 1
  • Screen Size: 15 Up
  • Growing Altitude: >1200m
  • Processing Method: Washed
  • Processing Description: We call the process 'Giling Kering,' which includes washing the cherry, drying the parchment to 12% moisture, then hull the coffee and bag it.
  • Plant Varietal(s): Ateng, Jember, S795, Typica

A clean, thick-bodied coffee with deep malted chocolate, tamarind, brown sugar, tangerine, and a touch of sage.
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by the way, I just found out about the process method and description.
Velton's coffee made mistake by putting "washed". it is actually "wet hulled process".

Wet hulled process is being practiced specially in Sumatra region in Indonesia and it is a "hybrid method". Coffee cheery will be pulped off the skin and let it sit for 12 hours (with or without water to ferment slightly) and then, it gets washed and dried, either on patio or raised bed. that means some or all of mucilage will be clinging to the parchment. then, it is sold at local market to get processed. at this point, the coffee has 40-50% moisture
content. then, it gets dried to 25-35%, and go thru wet-hull machine. after that the beans (without parchment) get dried on the patio until the moisture level gets to 11-14% (which is very high side of it). after that, it gets exported.
the characteristic is low acid, earthy, very heavy body.

I believe that this process is very unique to Sumatra region. normally, parchment beans get dried on patio until 9 - 11% moisture level. But they dry the actual beans (without parchment) on patio for rather high moisture level.
I guess that gives very distinctive Sumatra coffee flavor.
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Sunda Geisha

@ensoluna : Thanks for your answer in my thread about Sunda Geisha....

I admitted I took the explanation about Sunda Geisha from Velton's website. I'm sorry for that. If you really like to know about the process, give me time to look that information you need. I will send that information as soon as possible.

And also about Sunda Hejo, yes, it is the name of cooperative that controls the selling of Sunda coffee. Some of Indonesian people even said Sunda Hejo for the name of the coffee.

Thanks for the comment and once again, very sorry for taking someone's comment about Sunda Geisha and put it in my thread, without confirming it before.
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@ensoluna : Thanks for your answer in my thread about Sunda Geisha....

I admitted I took the explanation about Sunda Geisha from Velton's website. I'm sorry for that. If you really like to know about the process, give me time to look that information you need. I will send that information as soon as possible.

And also about Sunda Hejo, yes, it is the name of cooperative that controls the selling of Sunda coffee. Some of Indonesian people even said Sunda Hejo for the name of the coffee.

Thanks for the comment and once again, very sorry for taking someone's comment about Sunda Geisha and put it in my thread, without confirming it before.

no problem. your sincere apology accepted and again thank you for sharing Sunda hejo coffee information with me.
I have learned something new. I am planning to order some from Allegro coffee in Berkeley, S.F to try some for myself.
I just would like to compare with other Sumatra coffee and see what the differences are.
again, thanks for teaching me something new.
have a good day.
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Thanks again...

yes, you should try hejo. Its sweetness makes me love to drink it. IMO, hejo has different taste with sumatra. The acidity in hejo is too thin. Cause its sweetness that tastes more. But taste it for yourself. Hope you like hejo...

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